IMG 1825  Shrimp and Pasta IMG 1826  Pasta and Parmesan and Pepper 48  Dusty SpecIal IMG 1829  Bowl of Nutella ===for Kelsey
IMG 1830  Breakfast Buffet at Exedra Rome IMG 1831  Breakfast Buffett at Exedra in Rome IMG 1832  Breakfast at Exedra in Rome IMG 1833  Breakfast at Exedra in Rome
IMG 1977  Memmo's! IMG 1970  Cristina's fav--Pasta with Bacon and Parmesan IMG 1971  Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce IMG 1972  Meringue Titty Cake
IMG 1974  Meringue Titties IMG 1973  Cream and Pastry cake IMG 2185  Lunch setting at the Farm in Tuscany IMG 2186  Pasta (that we made) with Saffron, Zucchini, and Peas
IMG 2187  Pannna cotta with Berries IMG 2188  Chocolate Mousse IMG 2193  Table for Tuscan BBQ IMG 2194  Farro Salad
IMG 2195  Meats--Salami and Ham IMG 2196  Cheeses IMG 2197  Pappa Al Pomodoro IMG 2262  Spinach
IMG 2263  Meats IMG 2264  Cheeses and Fruits IMG 2265  Pasta and Meat IMG 2266  Appetizer--Tomato and Mozzarella stacked
IMG 2267  Appetizer side view IMG 2268  Ravioli IMG 2269  Grandma's Tart IMG 2270  Chocolate Mousse--lightest ever!
IMG 2299  Mcdonald's Olive Oil IMG 2303  Hard Candy--Lemon IMG 2406  Poste Vecie--in the old Post office at Venice IMG 2405  Scallops and Parmesan
IMG 2409  Seafood and Spinach Pasta IMG 2410  Lobster Gnocchi IMG 2411  Tiramisu IMG 2412  Pastry with Chocolate
IMG 2417  Cola and Lemon Soda in St Mark's Square IMG 2482  Lunch in Murano IMG 2484  Pasta with Clams IMG 2485  Seafood Pasta
IMG 2486  David and Seafood Pasta IMG 2524  Cookies DSC 0026  Tiramisu IMG 2525  Cream Puffs
IMG 2533  Pistachio Gelato IMG 2538  Toblerone (most I'd ever seen) at London Heathrow airport